Health tips for woman
Motherhood is the most wonderful time in a woman’s life. From the first moment you see tiny little heart on the ultrasound screen going through pregnancy stages, until you embrace small creature, pass nine months of excitement and impatience.
It is very important that every woman who wants a child to visit a doctor to recommend for better preparation for conception and pregnancy.
Consult a specialist doctor
Even when she is healthy, and the couple has no health problems still require a visit to the doctor for a complete evaluation and guidance for compliance with special precautions.
Generally this examination the doctor completes a sheet with all the family history and provide future mothers prenatal vitamins.
This first visit is the ideal time for prospective parents to find answers to some questions and start a new stage in their lives or Check Pregnancy .
Vaccines are an important stage in life of the future mothers. At the first visit to the doctor, it will ensure that the immunization schedule is complete. Should not be required vaccines, they should be administered only if the vaccine schedule is not complete.
The only vaccine that it may require a pregnant woman, as the anti – flu.
Prenatal vitamins and folic acid
Any pill is taken only the doctor and only under its supervision.
In general, folic acid,( vitamin B9, vitamin M or folacina) which is an important vitamin of Group B is the only one that is recommended, is known for the benefits it brings to the fetus and mother.
But as I said, every doctor will recommend future pregnant vitamins that just fit her.
Does not exist one health center where large posters is show us how many harmful is smoking or alcohol in the diet of pregnant women.
Dangerous substances get into the body due to cigarette smoke, drugs and alcohol and can cross the placenta and harm the fetus.
The mother must have a healthy lifestyle, with a menu consisting of fresh natural foods, proper hydration and a lot of movement, if the doctor allows or recommends.
What Happens When You Have a miscarriage.
Sometimes, however, things are not going as they should. Nature is all-knowing, and sometimes it happens and pregnancy it stop his evolution. In this case it is important to know What Happens When You Have a miscarriage.
Some symptoms will show you that you have to go immediately to the doctor, so you should know your body and at the lowest question mark to hear the answer in office of your doctor.
Some symptoms are:
- Mild to Severe Lower Back Pain
- Contractions
- Bleeding
If there are one or more of them, then you should seek immediate medical attention.
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